University Students Insurance Plans

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Plan 1

Disability Income Max $1,000/wk

Should injury from an accident prevent you from performing each and every duty pertaining to your occupation, you will receive a weekly accident indemnity for the period you are disabled while under the care of your doctor. Your all source benefit will be 75% of your earned income, for a period of 2 years (104 weeks), commencing on the eighth day.

Disability Coverage for Unpaid Practicum $100/wk

Students doing their practicum that is unpaid will receive $100/week for a maximum of 20 weeks. If you are employed somewhere else while doing your practicum this benefit will be a full benefit

Permanent Disability Max $250,000

Should your injury from an accident cause total and permanent disability preventing you from engaging in each and every occupation or employment for compensation or profit, the insurance company will pay after 12 months, the above stated $250,000 less any amount already paid under the Dismemberment Benefit.

Dismemberment Benefit Max $250,000

A combination of 17 losses are possible with a max. benefit of $250,000

Medical Expenses $10,000

Should you require from the injury, an ambulance, a registered nurse, rental of crutches, appliances, hospital bed, prescription drugs, splints, trusses, braces or physiotherapy, when recommended by the attending physician, the insurance company will pay all reasonable expenses incurred up to $10,000.

Accidental Death Max $250,000

Should you die from an accident or from the injuries incurred within 365 days of the accident your beneficiary will receive $250,000.

Spousal Training Benefit $10,000

Should you accidentally die, the insurance company will pay in the first 3 years, for your spouse to receive formal occupational training to become qualified for active employment. Travel, clothing, room and board, and ordinary living expenses are not included.

Children’s Educational Benefit $5,000/Year

Should you accidentally die, the insurance company will commence paying within the first year up to $5,000 per year for a maximum of 4 years for full-time students who are enrolled in a school of higher learning above the secondary school level as well as for those who are in high school and will commence higher learning within 365 days of your death. Higher learning schools include university, private college, CEGEP and trade schools.

Day-Care Benefit $5,000/Year

Should you accidentally die, the insurance company will pay for a period of 4 years for each child enrolled or who will enrol within 365 days of your death in a legally licensed Day-Care Centre.

The Workplace Insurance Plan benefits and Critical Illness Benefits stated herein are highlights only. Exact terms and conditions of benefits are those stated within the policy held by “IPA” and their Insurance Companies. SSQ Insurance.

  • Coverage is from Age 18 to Age 65 years
  • Coverage is Immediate.

Eligible to enrol if you are:

  • Full Time, Part time, Seasonal, Casual, Praticum Student

Plan 2

Disability Income Max $500/wk

Should injury from an accident prevent you from performing each and every duty pertaining to your occupation, you will receive a weekly accident indemnity for the period you are disabled while under the care of your doctor. Your all source benefit will be 75% of your earned income, for a period of 2 years (104 weeks), commencing on the eighth day.

Disability Coverage for Unpaid Practicum $100/wk

Students doing their practicum that is unpaid will receive $100/week for a maximum of 20 weeks. If you are employed somewhere else while doing your practicum this benefit will be a full benefit

Permanent Disability Max $150,000

Should your injury from an accident cause total and permanent disability preventing you from engaging in each and every occupation or employment for compensation or profit, the insurance company will pay after 12 months, the above stated $150,000 less any amount already paid under the Dismemberment Benefit.

Dismemberment Benefit Max $150,000

A combination of 17 losses are possible with a max. benefit of $150,000

Medical Expenses $10,000

Should you require from the injury, an ambulance, a registered nurse, rental of crutches, appliances, hospital bed, prescription drugs, splints, trusses, braces or physiotherapy, when recommended by the attending physician, the insurance company will pay all reasonable expenses incurred up to $10,000.

Accidental Death Max $150,000

Should you die from an accident or from the injuries incurred within 365 days of the accident your beneficiary will receive $150,000.

Spousal Training Benefit $10,000

Should you accidentally die, the insurance company will pay in the first 3 years, for your spouse to receive formal occupational training to become qualified for active employment. Travel, clothing, room and board, and ordinary living expenses are not included.

Children’s Educational Benefit $5,000/Year

Should you accidentally die, the insurance company will commence paying within the first year up to $5,000 per year for a maximum of 4 years for full-time students who are enrolled in a school of higher learning above the secondary school level as well as for those who are in high school and will commence higher learning within 365 days of your death. Higher learning schools include university, private college, CEGEP and trade schools.

Day-Care Benefit $5,000/Year

Should you accidentally die, the insurance company will pay for a period of 4 years for each child enrolled or who will enrol within 365 days of your death in a legally licensed Day-Care Centre.

The Workplace Insurance Plan benefits and Critical Illness Benefits stated herein are highlights only. Exact terms and conditions of benefits are those stated within the policy held by “IPA” and their Insurance Companies. SSQ Insurance.

  • Coverage is from Age 18 to Age 65 years
  • Coverage is Immediate.

Eligible to enrol if you are:

  • Full Time, Part time, Seasonal, Casual, Praticum Student

We serve clients across Ottawa, Carleton Place, Kemptville, Morrisburg, Limoges, Arnprior and all of Ontario.

If you have any questions or are unsure please call us today at (613) 228-0202 or E-mail us at