Critical Illness Insurance Plans

Choose Your Plan...……

    • What does it cost? (Ontario Rates)

    White Collar Plan #1 - $46.50 - Plan #2 - $25.57

    Blue Collar Plan #3 - $91.54 - Plan #4 - $49.81

    Critical Illness $10,000. Plan #5 - $16.07

    • Workplace Ins. Two Available Plans:

    The first (Plans 1&3) is the one summarized herein with an Accidental Death benefit of $250,000. The second (Plans 2&4) has exactly the same benefits except that the Accidental Death, Dismemberment And Total Permanent Disability benefits are $150,000. The Paralysis Benefit is then $300,000 and Disability Income benefit max. is $500.00 /wk.

How do I Apply for Coverage ?

    • Do I Qualify?

    Everyone Qualifies for Workplace Insurance! This is an Accident Insurance Plan that covers injuries from accidents as they occur after your date of enrolment into the plan. It does not cover preexisting conditions from accidents, injuries or illness.

    • Qualify by Occupation….

    These Workplace Benefit Packages are available to both White and Blue Collar Workers who are employed on a full-time, Part-time or Seasonal basis from age 18 to age 70. Some occupations may be refused or rated for risk.

    • How do I apply?

    Call Us……. Fax Us……Email Us, should there be questions.

    We will answer your questions and arrange for your enrollment in either or both, Workplace Insurance or our Critical Illness Plan.

    Once we receive the “Enrollments Form”, processing will begin.

    You will receive a “Certificate of Insurance” stating the effective date of your insurance coverage for the plan you have selected., Processing is quick and usually the Certificate is sent to you within two weeks.

    These Workplace Insurance Plans are available to Members and Associate Members of “IPA”. The Associate Membership dues are $1 per month and are included within your monthly insurance premium. Both Membership and Insurance may be canceled with thirty days written notice from you to: Macdonald Administrative Services Ltd.

    “IPA” , Independent Professionals Association was founded in June, 1995 as a non-profit organization to provide assistance to its members throughout Canada. These benefit packages are some of the services provided.

What’s Covered

    • Paralysis Benefits

    (Plans 2 & 4 are $300.000)      $500,000

    Should you, within 365 days from an accident or from the injuries incurred, become a Quadriplegic, Paraplegic or Hemiplegic, you will receive $500,000.

    • Disability Income

    (Plans 2 & 4 are $500/Wk)      Max $1,000/ Wk

    Should an injury from an accident prevent you from performing each and every duty pertaining to your occupation, you will receive a weekly accident indemnity for the period you are disabled while under the care of your doctor. Your all source benefit will be 75% of your earned income, for a period of 2 years (104 weeks), commencing on the eight day.

    • Total Permanent Disability

    (Plans 2 & 4 are $150.000)     $250,000

    Should your injury from an accident cause total and permanent disability preventing you from engaging in each and every occupation or employment for compensation or profit, the insurance company will pay after 12 months, the above stated $250,000 less any amount already paid under the Dismemberment Benefit.

    • Dismemberment Benefit

    (Plans 2 & 4 are $150.000)      $250,000

    You will receive as little as $31,250 for the loss of or total loss of use of all toes of one foot to $250,000 for the loss of or total loss of use of both hands. A combination of 17 losses are possible within this settlement range.

    • Medical Expenses

    (All Plans)     $10,000

    Should you require from the injury, an ambulance, a registered nurse, rental of crutches, appliances, hospital bed, prescription drugs, splints, trusses, braces or physiotherapy, when recommended by the attending physician, the insurance company will pay the reasonable expenses incurred up to $10,000.

    • Rehabilitation Benefit

    (All Plans)     $10,000

    Should you require special training to be qualified to engage in a special occupation because of your injury, the insurance company will pay reasonable and necessary expenses for the training. Travel, clothing, room and board, and ordinary living expenses are not included

A Summary of Benefits

    • Accidental Death

    (Plans 2 & 4 are $150.000)    $250,000

    Should you die from an accident or from the injuries incurred within 365 days of the accident your beneficiary will receive $250,000.

    • Children’s Education Benefit

    (All Plans)   $5,000/Year

    Should you accidentally die, the insurance company will commence paying within the first year up to $5,000 per year for a maximum of 4 years for fulltime students who are enrolled in a school of higher learning above the secondary school level as well as for those who are in high school and will commence higher learning within 365 days of your death. Higher learning schools include university, private college, CEGEP and trade schools.

    • Spousal Training Benefit

    (All Plans)   $10,000

    Should you accidentally die, the insurance company will pay in the first 3 years, for your spouse to receive formal occupational training to become qualified for active employment. Travel, clothing, room and board, and ordinary living expenses are not included

    • Day-Care Benefit

    (All Plans) $5,000/Year

    Should you accidentally die, the insurance company will pay for a period of 4 years for each child enrolled or who will enroll within 365 day of your death in a legally licensed Day-Care Centre

    Critical Illness Insurance



    • What’s Covered ………

    Critical Illness Insurance pays a cash benefit to you if you incur or suffer from one of the following health issues.

    1. Heart Attack
    2. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
    3. Stroke
    4. Life Threatening Cancer
    5. Parkinson’s Disease
    6. Alzheimer’s Disease
    7. Multiple Sclerosis
    8. Kidney Failure
    9. Paralysis
    10. Blindness
    11. Deafness
    12. Loss of Speech
    13. Benign Brain Tumour
    14. Coma
    15. Major Burns
    16. Major Organ Transplant
    17. Major Organ Failure requiring Transplant
    18. Motor Neuron Disease
    • No Medical Exams

    This is a guaranteed issue insurance. There are no medical exams required. The policy states that you must be free of symptoms for 24 months before enrolment in this plan.

    • Why Critical Illness

    One in four families experience a life threatening decease at least once. This is devastating to the entire family. The lost of income from work, the pain & suffering of the family member, and all the bills that come with sickness can be relieved with financial help from a Guaranteed Issued Critical Illness Policy.

    • Pre-Existing Conditions

    Pre-existing conditions may not prevent you from having this coverage. If you have been free of a disease for two years, you will likely be approved.

    There are some exclusions, limitations, and survival periods. Our Website has the full details of coverage. Look under Critical Illness.

    Definitions and restrictions are stated on your Insurance Certificate. Please read your certificate so you fully understand the coverage. If you are not satisfied with the insurance, you may cancel coverage at any time by writing to Macdonald Administration at the address stated herein.

  • Workplace Insurance

  • On the Job”
  • Off the Job”
  • Life
  • Disability
  • Rehabilitation
  • Emergency Medical
  • Occupational Retraining
  • Spousal Special Education
  • Children’s Education
  • Day Care Benefits
  • For Accident and Injury

Critical Illness

“Guaranteed Issue”